New Data Abstract submission period

Opening of the Online Submission is 20 October 2020.

Abstracts and Clinical Cases can be submitted via the online Abstract Submission Platform only.

The submission deadline is Monday 11 January 2021, 23:59 (CET).

The New Data Abstract online submission is open from 19 February to 5 March 2021, 23:59 CET

Prepare your abstract or clinical case

Language: English

Abstract Title Length: max. 25 words

Abstract Body Length: max. 300 words, incl. numbers and symbols, incl. max. 1 table (max 10 columns/10 rows) and 3 images (max 500 KB and max 600(w) x 800(h) pixel).  Each row of an inserted table will be counted as 10 words against your word count and each graph/image is counted as 50 words. Abstracts will be considered for Oral presentation only if they they include numbers, graphs and/or images (an exception applies for clinical cases).

Keywords: up to 5 Keywords may be named for your abstract

  1. Abstracts must be submitted on-line.  For questions regarding the on-line submission process, please e-mail
  2. A blind selection process will be used. No identifying features such as names of hospitals, medical schools, clinics or cities may be listed in the title or text of the abstract. Do not include the names of authors either. The names of authors and their affiliations (institutions) will be entered on-line when you submit the abstract.
  3. If the research (or substantially similar material) covered in the abstract submitted has been presented as an oral presentation at another international meeting / congress within Europe prior to the time of submitting the abstract to ECTS 2021, the abstract will only be considered for poster presentation, but not for oral presentation at ECTS 2021 Digital.
  4. An abstract can be considered for oral presentation if it has already been presented orally at international meetings outside of Europe or at national meetings. Authors are strongly advised to add new data to the abstract.
  5. The title should be as brief as possible but long enough to indicate clearly the nature of the study.
  6. Abstracts should be structured using the following headings:
    1. Background/Introduction
    2. Purpose
    3. Methods
    4. Results
    5. Conclusion(s)
  7. Abstracts should be:
    – As informative as possible
    – State the specific objective of the study
    – State the method used, if pertinent; state whether experiments were in vivo or in vitro
    – Ethical approval should be indicated when experiments are performed on human subjects or animals
    – Summarise the results obtained. Where a study generates hard data (numbers and statistics) this must be included within the abstract. Statements such as ‘results will be presented’ are not accepted
    – Abstracts must include data , this will be the main component of the abstract. Authors must include a clear description of the results and all appropriate data to support any conclusion they wish to make within the abstract; an abstract without supporting data will be rejected
    – State the conclusions reached.
  8. Abstracts will be reproduced as submitted. If accepted your abstract will appear in the official abstract publication of the congress on the web exactly as submitted and any typing error will be visible.
  9. Once you submit your abstract, you will not be able to amend it.  You can save your abstract and amend it on-line until 11 January 2021
  10. The Scientific Committee reserves the right to decide on the form of presentation, oral or poster, in the interest of the programme.

Important notice: In order to be considered for an oral presentation, results specified in an abstract need to contain hard numerical data and statistical evaluation (e.g. p-values for tests) with the exception of certain innovative concepts, new technologies, or case reports.

Abstract Review & Notifications

A highly qualified panel of reviewers will assess all submitted abstracts. Abstracts will be approved according to their scientific/clinical merit. Notification of acceptance and information regarding presentations will be forwarded to the authors immediately after the reviewing process by e-mail, in the week of 22 February 2021. Detailed instructions for oral and poster preparations will be included in these emails.

The submission of an abstract constitutes a commitment by the author to present their abstract at the congress if accepted.

For an abstract to be included in the final scientific program, it is mandatory for the presenting author to register for the congress and to settle payment as soon as the notification of abstract acceptance is received and not later than Friday, 26 March 2021.

Expenses associated with the preparation, submission and presentation of an abstract are responsibility of the presenter(s)/author(s).

Abstracts may be submitted in English only. Please make sure that special characters and symbols are inserted correctly.

Authors will be able to draft and save their abstracts online and may return to the site to edit the texts of the abstracts later if necessary.


Submission of an abstract implies that it has been approved by all listed authors and transfer of copyright to the ECTS becomes effective when the abstract has been accepted for presentation.

Original Scientific Material

The submitted abstract should be original scientific material.

If the research (or substantially similar material) covered in the abstract submitted has been presented as an oral presentation at another international meeting / congress within Europe prior to the time of submitting the abstract to ECTS 2021, the abstract will only be considered for poster presentation, but not for oral presentation at ECTS 2021 in Brussels.

An abstract may be considered for oral presentation if it has already been presented orally at international meetings outside of Europe or at national meetings. Authors are strongly advised to add new data to the abstract.

In order to be considered for an oral presentation, results specified in an abstract need to contain hard numerical data and statistical evaluation (e.g. p-values for tests) with the exception of certain innovative concepts, new technologies, or case reports.

Withdrawal of an Abstract

If you want to withdraw an abstract please contact the congress secretariat at